磯田恭佑講師らの研究がRoyal Society of Chemistry Publishing社の電子ジャーナル”Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry”のFront CoverおよびOBC HOT article collectionに選出されました。
2019年7月3日に、Royal Society of Chemistry Publishingより刊行された”Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry”誌に、磯田恭佑(創造工学部創造工学科先端マテリアル科学コース 講師)および田所誠教授(東京理科大学理学部化学科)らの研究論文が掲載され、本誌のFront CoverおよびOBC HOT article collectionに選出されました(図1)。
題名:Synthesis and electrochromic behavior of a multi-electron redox-active N-heteroheptacenequinone
著者:Kyosuke Isoda,* Mitsuru Matsuzaka, Tomoaki Sugaya, Takeshi Yasuda, Makoto Tadokoro*
雑誌名:Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2019, 17, 7884–7890.
図1. 採択されたFront Cover
????????????????????????????????????? 図2. 分子構造、各種測定結果およびエレクトロクロミズム特性を示す写真
The research paper by Dr. Isoda and Prof. Tadokoro (Tokyo University of Science) was highlighted as Front Cover and? OBC HOT article collection in “Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry” (Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing) !!
Title:Synthesis and electrochromic behavior of a multi-electron redox-active N-heteroheptacenequinone
Authors:Kyosuke Isoda,* Mitsuru Matsuzaka, Tomoaki Sugaya,TakeshiYasuda,MakotoTadokoro
*Article:Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2019, 17, 7884–7890.
?Abstract: We synthesised a novel electron-accepting N-heteroheptacenequinone OAHCQ derivative as a large π-conjugated framework. The OAHCQ derivative was composed of eight electron-deficient imino-N atoms and an electron-accepting benzoquinone. The OAHCQ derivative exhibited reversible four-step, four-electron reduction waves in its CV trace. The number of electrons accepted by C6OAHCQ in the 0 to ?2.20 V window is more than that accepted by electron-accepting fullerene C60. In addition, the OAHCQ derivative shows electrochromism at negative voltages. Moreover, the HOMO and LUMO energy levels (EHOMO and ELUMO) of C6OAHCQ can be approximately determined from the E11/2 potentials in its cyclic voltammogram and the absorption edge of its UV-vis spectrum. The ELUMO of C6OAHCQ, at ?4.29 eV, is comparable to that of the well-known methyl [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyrate electron acceptor (PCBM, ?3.8 eV), which is expected to function as an n-type semiconductor. The introduction of tetraaza units and the electron-withdrawing benzoquinone is a novel strategy for the design of high-electron-affinity molecules.
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■URL for Isoda Lab.↓