Outline of LSRC
The Life Science Research Center (LSRC) established on April, 2007 has seven divisions, Genome analysis and genetic research, Structural biology, Research instrument and equipment, Animal experiment, Radioisotope research (Campus of Faculty of Medicine), Radioisotope research (Campus of Faculty of Agriculture), and Functional glycomics. The mission of LSRC is to promote the advanced researches in the field of life science and to provide research support facilities to the investigators in Kagawa University.

Clinical Research Building
(Middle, 5 stories)
(5F)Div. Structural Biology »
(4F)Div. Genome Analysis and
Genetic Research (Med. Campus) »
(3F)Div. Functional Glycomics »
Basic and Clinical Research Building
(Right, 7 stories)

Animal Experiment Facility